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Travel social network


What is - Tripico.net

Tripico.net - is a unique social network for travelers, where everyone can create a profile, find travel buddies and easily share their travel experiences.

Our project brings together people from all around the world who are inspired by a love for travel, to find new friends and maybe a soulmate.

Because nothing brings people closer than shared adventures.
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Problems of our society:

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  • People talk more online than in person.
  • People less trust each other.
  • It is difficult to make new friends.
  • People less travel together.
  • It is difficult to find a real soulmate.

Tripico.net - solves all these problems!

Here you can:

  • Find new friends from all around the world.
  • Find travel buddy or find a group tour.
  • Create your own tour and invite people in it.
  • Frind your real soulmate during beautiful tour.
  • Interact with real people in a tour.
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Key features of Tripico.net:

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Review System

After a trip, users can leave feedback about their travel buddies, helping future travelers find trusted partners for shared adventures.
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Opportunity to Earn Through Travel

Any experienced traveler can become a tour organizer, creating unique trips and earning from their expertise. Participant ratings build trust, establishing them as reliable guides.
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Shared Trip Photo Gallery

Participants can upload their trip photos to a shared gallery, accessible to everyone in the group. This simplifies photo sharing and preserves the best memories.
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Opportunities for Travel Agencies and Hotels

Attract new clients by creating tours with exclusive group discounts and organizing trips during all seasons, making your services more appealing to travelers.

Video clip about our project:

Tripico.net - is a place where everyone can find a company for a trip, create their own tour, earn money on it, make new friends and, highly likely, find their soulmate.

We connect people who value real-life interactions, open borders, and genuine experiences.

If you also love to travel as we do, join us!





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